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AI-Powered Financial Advisor in your Pocket!

Hyper-Personalized Financial Management.

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Kniru answers all your financial questions.

Investment Advice.
Expense Management.
Retirement Advice.
Tax Advice.
Loan & Credit Management.
Precise, personalized, actionable insights.

State-of-the-Art Notifications.

Personalized Savings Suggestions.
Bill Reminders.
Budget Alerts.
Anomaly Detection.
Portfolio Alerts.
Many more...
Kniru Notification Page
Kniru Financial Account Connection
Fully Automatic Connections.

Global Account Coverage.

Have 2 accounts in the US and 2 accounts in India? Kniru can seamlessly connect with all.

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India (Coming Soon)
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Kniru Asset Page
visibility like never before.

Assets, Liabilities, and Insights Dashboards.

Assets Dashboard - Bank, Investments, Real Estate.
Liabilities Dashboard - Loans, Credit Cards.
Insights - Spend Analysis, Subscriptions.

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Microsoft for Startups
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Notable News Coverage.

India FinTech Forum